Art Weekly–Dart board


The frame of the dart board is made from offcuts from the Lucas mill where the staircase is being made–slices of a burl, with the bottom piece very conveniently making a platform to put the idle darts in. The backing is soft to receive stray darts. I added some colour to the black and white board so it all tones in.

This is to exercise and test out one’s mind-body coordination. I also have some indoor bowls (mini lawn bowls which we enjoyed as kids), a little putting green, and an eight ball table on the way. The sports area will be up in the loft of the log home.

Photographed on the floor


The sanskrit says ‘Dhanurveda’, the science of archery–quelling our demons with arrows of bliss, shooting darts of coherence into the disorder. This is the higher knowledge of Dhanurveda.